Example github-docs-index Output

This is the subtitle I configured, which can be overridden via GITHUB_DOCS_SUBTITLE environment variable

< Chronological Index | Alphabetical Index >

Chronological Index (most recently updated first)

  • github-docs-index - Generate a single-page index of documentation hosted in one or more GitHub organizations on github.com and/or one or more GitHub Enterprise instances.
  • aws-docs-history - Historical versions of AWS documentation
  • awslimitchecker - A script and python module to check your AWS service limits and usage via boto.
  • blog - my blog
  • python-package-skeleton - Skeleton for a python package, complete with tox/Travis-CI, Landscape.io, codecov, etc.
  • biweeklybudget - Responsive Flask/SQLAlchemy personal finance app, specifically for biweekly budgeting.
  • xfinity-usage - Python/selenium script to get Xfinity bandwidth usage
  • misc-scripts - A collection of my standalone scripts to small/quick for their own repos. All kinds of useful stuff.
  • arch-pkgbuilds - My PKGBUILDs for Arch Linux
  • pizero-gpslog - Raspberry Pi Zero gpsd logger with status LEDs
  • jiveapi - Simple and limited Python client for Jive collaboration software ReST API v3, along with utilities for massaging HTML to display better on Jive.
  • vagrant-r10k - Vagrant middleware plugin to retrieve puppet modules using r10k.
  • repostatus.org - A standard to easily communicate to humans and machines the development/support and usability status of software repositories/projects.
  • vault-aws-creds - Python helper to export Vault-provided temporary AWS creds into the environment
  • pypi-download-stats - Calculate detailed download stats and generate HTML and badges for PyPI packages
  • nagios-scripts - A collection of my Nagios check scripts, and related stuff.
  • serverspec-extended-types - A set of extended types for ServerSpec 2.x
  • versionfinder - Python package to find the version of another package, whether installed via pip, setuptools or git
  • scantool.net - ScanTool.net’s GPLv2 cross-platform OBDII software, “scantool.net”
  • archautorepo - Automatic Arch Linux package rebuilds and repository creation.
  • pydnstest - Python tool for testing DNS changes (add, remove, rename, change records) against a staging DNS server, verifying the same changes against production, or confirming that a record returns the same result in both environments.
  • SwitchSNMP - A collection of PHP classes and scripts to communicate with and control network devices via SNMP.
  • rspec-matcher-num-times - A rspec matcher for include or match a specified number of times
  • rspec-matcher-hash-item - Rspec matchers for dealing with hashes and their content
  • crondigest - A cron job wrapper to send batched digest email and notify of missed jobs
  • franz-recipe-pushover - meetfranz.com (Franz 5) recipe for Pushover
  • jantman.github.io - My personal homepage
  • ecsjobs - A scheduled job wrapper for ECS, focused on email reporting and adding docker exec and local command abilities.
  • puppet-archlinux-macbookretina - Puppet module and accompanying documentation to install/setup Arch linux on a MacBook Pro Retina 11,4
  • webhook2lambda2sqs - Generate code and manage infrastructure for receiving webhooks with AWS API Gateway and pushing to SQS via Lambda.
  • tf-vol-attachment-cycle - Proof-of-concept for Terraform issue 16237
  • tf-consul-lock-reproduce - code to reproduce the terraform “consul lock was lost” error
  • resume - My resume. see http://resume.jasonantman.com
  • puppet-facter-facts - a collection of facts for user with Facter and Puppet
  • puppet-archlinux-workstation - Puppet module for configuring various aspects of an Arch Linux workstation/desktop.
  • workstation-bootstrap - My r10k/puppet based workstation bootstrapping and configuration
  • php-nagios-xml - This is a PHP script that parses the Nagios status.dat file into an array, and then outputs that array as XML. There is also a PHP module written in C to do the same task, and based on the same code.
  • piface-webhooks - Python script/daemon to read RPi PiFace inputs and run a webhook when they change
  • RPyMostat-sensor - The temperature sensor component of RPyMostat
  • python-obd - Some OBD code for Python. Old and crappy, but putting it here in case I need it again.
  • nodemeister - NodeMeister is an External Node Classifier (ENC) for Puppet, written in Python using the Django framework. It supports hierarchical groups, exclusions and overrides, and aims to provide a fully-functional ENC for those more comfortable with Python.
  • s3sfe - Sync a list of files to S3, using server-side encryption with customer-provided keys
  • multibindadmin - A web-based (PHP) tool for managing BIND DNS zone files, with builtin understanding of split-horizon DNS with NAT (i.e. a name can have an internal address and an external address).
  • RPyMostat - A python-based intelligent home thermostat, targeted at the RaspberryPi.
  • gw2copilot - A Python-based GuildWars2 helper tool
  • autosimulationcraft - A python script to run SimulationCraft reports for World of Warcraft characters when their gear/stats/level/etc. changes.
  • pi2graphite - RaspberryPi-targeted app to send 1wire temperature & wifi stats to graphite.
  • versionfinder-test-pkg - test package for https://github.com/jantman/versionfinder acceptance tests
  • userscripts - Some of my UserScripts
  • pymonitoringapi - Python module to interact with Nagios and Icinga over the web.
  • git-clone-sync - Script to keep git clones in sync with origin and upstream
  • PUP1244_test - tests for PUP-1244
  • NetworkLunchbox - My Network Lunchbox project (originally I was going to name it palantir) aims to provide a ready-to-use image for Soekris net4801 (and possibly 4501) to make them usable as general-purpose network troubleshooting devices. Specifically, the intent is enable administrators of large, complex or geographically dispersed networks to be able to install a Soekris device with one interface on a network reachable from their workstation and use the other two interfaces as entry points into unreachable or problematic networks.
  • BoardTest - Testing various GitHub kanban boards
  • docker-debian-mongodb24 - Debian-based Docker image with MongoDB 2.4 server.
  • RPyMostat-ui - Web UI for RPyMostat Project.
  • RPyMostat-control - Relay control portion of the RPyMostat project.
  • php-ems-tools - Web-based Patient Care Report and organization management software for volunteer Emergency Medical Services. Largely unusable, just an example.
  • rpymostat-common - Common libraries shared by packages in the RPyMostat project.
  • specfiles - A collection of my RPM spec files
  • rpmbuild-vagrant-boxes - A collection of Vagrantfiles for boxes to build RPMs
  • reviewboard-scripts - Collection of scripts that use the ReviewBoard python client (RBClient) to perform various tasks with ReviewBoard.
  • puppet-nodemeister - A puppet module to install, configure and run the NodeMeister ENC.
  • kvmdashclient - Python client script for the kvmdash application.
  • kvmdash - kvmdash is a simple Python daemon and web app to collect information about libvirt-controlled qemu/kvm guest VMs running on standalone hosts, ans present the information on a single web page (with a simple API). It will also include a companion Puppet module for installation, and Facter facts that make use of the data.
  • grumble - What do you want to grumble about today?
  • gitlab-scripts - Some scripts to help administering and migrating to GitLab
  • ec2-utils-el7 - Amazon Linux ec2-utils for EL7
  • boxen - boxen.github.com for my Mac
  • CFDash - A simple dashboard for CloudFormation stack metrics from CloudWatch.
  • pypuppetdb-daily-report - Daily run summary report for PuppetDB, written in Python using nedap’s pypuppetdb module.
  • rebuildbot - Rebuildbot re-runs builds of your inactive projects.
  • networkmapper - Tools to map physical data network connetions.
  • rackman - An old PHP project to track machines’ locations in a rack, diagram them, and preview changes.
  • Android-CycleSys - A really old, bad, incomplete implementation of the Cycle System task management for Android. Only staying around because I’m sentimental.
  • boguskeys - SSH keys that I want github to allow, but I don’t actually want to give access to my stuff.
  • cloaked-hipster - GitHub suggested this name, so I just had to use it. I’ll find something to put here eventually.
  • helga-queue - A simple helga IRC bot plugin to let you manage a short queue (FIFO) of strings (eg. todo items).
  • howtopuppet - howtopuppet.com - a community FAQ site for Puppet and related technologies
  • ideas-for-projects - Various ideas I’ve had for different projects, which I haven’t started yet.
  • kbdtest - wxPython tool for testing keyboards on Linux/Mac/Unix operating systems
  • PHPsa - This is really the skeleton of a defunct project from a few years ago. In retrospect, PHP was almost certainly the wrong language to use for this (compared to pretty much any modern web language, but especially because of its scoping issues). I’m leaving it here only to pay homage to the idea of it, which still might have some usefulness.
  • puppet-python-test - Test of a puppet-python module
  • pytest-batches - pytest plugin to run marked tests in batches, and skip the rest if a batch fails
  • tuxtruck - Aborted attempt at a Python/Linux-based CarPC platform. Some of the OBD and GPS code might be useful, and there’s Python code to read the accelerometer on a SunSPOT.
  • TuxTruck-wxPython - TuxTruck-wxPython was a project to creat a wxPython/Linux-based in-vehicle PC platform. It currently has an audio player and not much else.
  • tuxostat - abandoned linux/python thermostat project
  • xmlfinal - My final project from my Building Data-Driven Websites undergrad course. Here for nostalgia.

< top. | Quick Links | Chronological Index >

Alphabetical Index

  • Android-CycleSys - A really old, bad, incomplete implementation of the Cycle System task management for Android. Only staying around because I’m sentimental.
  • arch-pkgbuilds - My PKGBUILDs for Arch Linux
  • archautorepo - Automatic Arch Linux package rebuilds and repository creation.
  • autosimulationcraft - A python script to run SimulationCraft reports for World of Warcraft characters when their gear/stats/level/etc. changes.
  • aws-docs-history - Historical versions of AWS documentation
  • awslimitchecker - A script and python module to check your AWS service limits and usage via boto.
  • biweeklybudget - Responsive Flask/SQLAlchemy personal finance app, specifically for biweekly budgeting.
  • blog - my blog
  • BoardTest - Testing various GitHub kanban boards
  • boguskeys - SSH keys that I want github to allow, but I don’t actually want to give access to my stuff.
  • boxen - boxen.github.com for my Mac
  • CFDash - A simple dashboard for CloudFormation stack metrics from CloudWatch.
  • cloaked-hipster - GitHub suggested this name, so I just had to use it. I’ll find something to put here eventually.
  • crondigest - A cron job wrapper to send batched digest email and notify of missed jobs
  • docker-debian-mongodb24 - Debian-based Docker image with MongoDB 2.4 server.
  • ec2-utils-el7 - Amazon Linux ec2-utils for EL7
  • ecsjobs - A scheduled job wrapper for ECS, focused on email reporting and adding docker exec and local command abilities.
  • franz-recipe-pushover - meetfranz.com (Franz 5) recipe for Pushover
  • git-clone-sync - Script to keep git clones in sync with origin and upstream
  • github-docs-index - Generate a single-page index of documentation hosted in one or more GitHub organizations on github.com and/or one or more GitHub Enterprise instances.
  • gitlab-scripts - Some scripts to help administering and migrating to GitLab
  • grumble - What do you want to grumble about today?
  • gw2copilot - A Python-based GuildWars2 helper tool
  • helga-queue - A simple helga IRC bot plugin to let you manage a short queue (FIFO) of strings (eg. todo items).
  • howtopuppet - howtopuppet.com - a community FAQ site for Puppet and related technologies
  • ideas-for-projects - Various ideas I’ve had for different projects, which I haven’t started yet.
  • jantman.github.io - My personal homepage
  • jiveapi - Simple and limited Python client for Jive collaboration software ReST API v3, along with utilities for massaging HTML to display better on Jive.
  • kbdtest - wxPython tool for testing keyboards on Linux/Mac/Unix operating systems
  • kvmdash - kvmdash is a simple Python daemon and web app to collect information about libvirt-controlled qemu/kvm guest VMs running on standalone hosts, ans present the information on a single web page (with a simple API). It will also include a companion Puppet module for installation, and Facter facts that make use of the data.
  • kvmdashclient - Python client script for the kvmdash application.
  • misc-scripts - A collection of my standalone scripts to small/quick for their own repos. All kinds of useful stuff.
  • multibindadmin - A web-based (PHP) tool for managing BIND DNS zone files, with builtin understanding of split-horizon DNS with NAT (i.e. a name can have an internal address and an external address).
  • nagios-scripts - A collection of my Nagios check scripts, and related stuff.
  • NetworkLunchbox - My Network Lunchbox project (originally I was going to name it palantir) aims to provide a ready-to-use image for Soekris net4801 (and possibly 4501) to make them usable as general-purpose network troubleshooting devices. Specifically, the intent is enable administrators of large, complex or geographically dispersed networks to be able to install a Soekris device with one interface on a network reachable from their workstation and use the other two interfaces as entry points into unreachable or problematic networks.
  • networkmapper - Tools to map physical data network connetions.
  • nodemeister - NodeMeister is an External Node Classifier (ENC) for Puppet, written in Python using the Django framework. It supports hierarchical groups, exclusions and overrides, and aims to provide a fully-functional ENC for those more comfortable with Python.
  • php-ems-tools - Web-based Patient Care Report and organization management software for volunteer Emergency Medical Services. Largely unusable, just an example.
  • php-nagios-xml - This is a PHP script that parses the Nagios status.dat file into an array, and then outputs that array as XML. There is also a PHP module written in C to do the same task, and based on the same code.
  • PHPsa - This is really the skeleton of a defunct project from a few years ago. In retrospect, PHP was almost certainly the wrong language to use for this (compared to pretty much any modern web language, but especially because of its scoping issues). I’m leaving it here only to pay homage to the idea of it, which still might have some usefulness.
  • pi2graphite - RaspberryPi-targeted app to send 1wire temperature & wifi stats to graphite.
  • piface-webhooks - Python script/daemon to read RPi PiFace inputs and run a webhook when they change
  • pizero-gpslog - Raspberry Pi Zero gpsd logger with status LEDs
  • PUP1244_test - tests for PUP-1244
  • puppet-archlinux-macbookretina - Puppet module and accompanying documentation to install/setup Arch linux on a MacBook Pro Retina 11,4
  • puppet-archlinux-workstation - Puppet module for configuring various aspects of an Arch Linux workstation/desktop.
  • puppet-facter-facts - a collection of facts for user with Facter and Puppet
  • puppet-nodemeister - A puppet module to install, configure and run the NodeMeister ENC.
  • puppet-python-test - Test of a puppet-python module
  • pydnstest - Python tool for testing DNS changes (add, remove, rename, change records) against a staging DNS server, verifying the same changes against production, or confirming that a record returns the same result in both environments.
  • pymonitoringapi - Python module to interact with Nagios and Icinga over the web.
  • pypi-download-stats - Calculate detailed download stats and generate HTML and badges for PyPI packages
  • pypuppetdb-daily-report - Daily run summary report for PuppetDB, written in Python using nedap’s pypuppetdb module.
  • pytest-batches - pytest plugin to run marked tests in batches, and skip the rest if a batch fails
  • python-obd - Some OBD code for Python. Old and crappy, but putting it here in case I need it again.
  • python-package-skeleton - Skeleton for a python package, complete with tox/Travis-CI, Landscape.io, codecov, etc.
  • rackman - An old PHP project to track machines’ locations in a rack, diagram them, and preview changes.
  • rebuildbot - Rebuildbot re-runs builds of your inactive projects.
  • repostatus.org - A standard to easily communicate to humans and machines the development/support and usability status of software repositories/projects.
  • resume - My resume. see http://resume.jasonantman.com
  • reviewboard-scripts - Collection of scripts that use the ReviewBoard python client (RBClient) to perform various tasks with ReviewBoard.
  • rpmbuild-vagrant-boxes - A collection of Vagrantfiles for boxes to build RPMs
  • RPyMostat - A python-based intelligent home thermostat, targeted at the RaspberryPi.
  • rpymostat-common - Common libraries shared by packages in the RPyMostat project.
  • RPyMostat-control - Relay control portion of the RPyMostat project.
  • RPyMostat-sensor - The temperature sensor component of RPyMostat
  • RPyMostat-ui - Web UI for RPyMostat Project.
  • rspec-matcher-hash-item - Rspec matchers for dealing with hashes and their content
  • rspec-matcher-num-times - A rspec matcher for include or match a specified number of times
  • s3sfe - Sync a list of files to S3, using server-side encryption with customer-provided keys
  • scantool.net - ScanTool.net’s GPLv2 cross-platform OBDII software, “scantool.net”
  • serverspec-extended-types - A set of extended types for ServerSpec 2.x
  • specfiles - A collection of my RPM spec files
  • SwitchSNMP - A collection of PHP classes and scripts to communicate with and control network devices via SNMP.
  • tf-consul-lock-reproduce - code to reproduce the terraform “consul lock was lost” error
  • tf-vol-attachment-cycle - Proof-of-concept for Terraform issue 16237
  • tuxostat - abandoned linux/python thermostat project
  • tuxtruck - Aborted attempt at a Python/Linux-based CarPC platform. Some of the OBD and GPS code might be useful, and there’s Python code to read the accelerometer on a SunSPOT.
  • TuxTruck-wxPython - TuxTruck-wxPython was a project to creat a wxPython/Linux-based in-vehicle PC platform. It currently has an audio player and not much else.
  • userscripts - Some of my UserScripts
  • vagrant-r10k - Vagrant middleware plugin to retrieve puppet modules using r10k.
  • vault-aws-creds - Python helper to export Vault-provided temporary AWS creds into the environment
  • versionfinder - Python package to find the version of another package, whether installed via pip, setuptools or git
  • versionfinder-test-pkg - test package for https://github.com/jantman/versionfinder acceptance tests
  • webhook2lambda2sqs - Generate code and manage infrastructure for receiving webhooks with AWS API Gateway and pushing to SQS via Lambda.
  • workstation-bootstrap - My r10k/puppet based workstation bootstrapping and configuration
  • xfinity-usage - Python/selenium script to get Xfinity bandwidth usage
  • xmlfinal - My final project from my Building Data-Driven Websites undergrad course. Here for nostalgia.

< top. | Quick Links | Chronological Index | Alphabetical Index >

footer of the index document here; can be overridden via GITHUB_DOCS_FOOTER environment variable